Photo of people walking outside near the commuter rail line at Union Station

Suicide Prevention

Colorado Crisis Services

Immediate help available 24/7/365 for any mental health, substance use or emotional crisis:

Call: 1-844-493-8225

Text: TALK to 38255

Find Online Support at:

As a member of the RTD transit community, you can help by providing a sense of belonging and connectedness to those in crisis. Social support within communities helps protect vulnerable persons from suicide by building connectedness and improving skills for coping with difficulties. Together, we can increase awareness about suicide prevention and get people the support they need.

Know the Signs

Certain warning signs may help determine if someone is at risk for suicide, especially if the behavior is new, has increased or seems related to a painful event, loss or change. The following warning signs may help determine if someone is at risk for suicide:

Know the Risk Factors

Risk factors do not cause or predict a suicide, rather they are characteristics that make it more likely an individual will consider, attempt or die by suicide. These risk factors cannot cause or predict a suicide attempt, but they are important to be aware of:

Help Make a Connection

If you or someone you know is in crisis, or needs help dealing with one, please encourage them to contact Colorado Crisis Services at 1-844-493-TALK (8255) or text "TALK" to 38255 to speak to a trained crisis counselor. Visit to access chat services or view walk-in locations. Colorado Crisis Services provides immediate and confidential assistance, 24/7/365. 

RTD Transit Watch

Contact RTD Transit Watch to report someone you believe is in crisis on the transit system:

Call: 303-299-2911
Text: 303-434-9100
Email: [email protected]

Mental Health First Aid Colorado

Promotes and supports mental health education and wellness for Coloradans.

Get Crisis Help Now